This list is of former students who went to Pilot Institute for the Deaf during 1943 to 1967. If you went to the school during these years and are not on the list, please let me know.
The main information we need on former students is: name (both maiden and married for females) and years attended Pilot School. If you would like to include additional information for your biography and / or e-mail address, please send it, too. Due to limited space, keep the information brief.
One photo of each student taken during the school year is welcome as well as a current photo. Please keep these attachment files small and as "jpg" files. Please do not send more than two photos.
If a student is deceased, please send me information so that the list will be updated.
Check the latest news for current news and updates of this website.
Thanks in advance for your help.
NOTE: If you want your e-mail address listed, you must let me know.
Your e-mail address will not be listed without your permission.